Thursday 24 September 2009

And so it starts.....

So, a Blog! I know, they're so cliche'd these days. Anyone reading this will be happy to know I have no interest in pouring my heart out or treating this as a diary. This is happening so that I have a central place to list my wargaming projects and hopefully keep me on track with them.

So, the first project up is an Egyptian labyrinth board. This will be made up of 36 8x8" tiles which will cover a 4'x4' area. The idea being that after each players turn they can rotate some tiles thereby altering the board layout quickly and easily.

The tiles will be made from plaster castings made with Hirstarts' Egyptian molds on very thin MDF squares. The plaster used is a stonecast powder. Fairly easy to get, pretty cheap and much stronger than plaster of paris. The next post will show my initial ideas, why they don't work and the first tile being built.

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